Grow your skills in leadership and management of company resources...More 

Communication is something we do all day, every day; in many of our work activities. Many misunderstandings and communication breakdowns arise because of a poor choice of words, tone or negative use of body language. Good communication skills is a core skill for all in business today - regardless of whether one is a director, senior manager or support staff.

In the rapidly changing and global context we live in, conflict is a feature of our current reality. Private and public sector organizations, find that they have to be more equipped to deal with different types of conflict. Personal conflicts, inter- personal conflicts and structural conflicts all point to the need for more effective tools for lasting problem solving. Conflict resolution and negotiation skills are critical skills for anyone to be effective in the workplace. Conflict situations are common in the work situation. It is thus important for employees to become familiar with the principles, processes, and techniques of conflict management and negotiations.

This course is suitable for people working in all sectors of the economy; and anyone who has a responsibility to lead/supervise/manage a team.

Time management is very important across industries. In order for any company to be productive, time needs to be prioritized. This course is suitable for people who are constantly behind with their TO-DO lists. If you or your staff members have difficulty prioritising work importance, then this is course for you.

Good customer service is a vital function of any business. Companies need to continuously monitor the customer satisfaction. This course is suitable for all people who monitor the level of services to customers; and also helps a learner to understand and manage negative emotions when dealing with customers.

The Business Report Writing course is designed to offer effective strategies to sharpen your writing skills by structuring your ideas logically, exercising diplomacy in letters and reports, and sharpening your arguments.

Information overload makes it necessary for you to communicate clearly and concisely. Therefore, by analysing your audience, organising your writing and employing effective persuasive techniques, your writing will make an impact.

This course is for individuals who need to write clearly and concisely in a professional environment.

This course is intended for managers in all economic sectors. These managers would typically be second level managers such as heads of department, section heads or divisional heads, who may have more than one team reporting to them.

To be effective leaders and employees, one must have the ability to communicate effectively. That is, they must possess communication literacy.

Above all, communication literacy is about competence and proficiency; the attainment of both entails fostering a critical understanding of how communication functions in different contexts, adapting messages to situations and audiences, and communicating in ways that are ethically and socially responsible in a diverse global society.